Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Extra posting, Park gwanyoung

Political tendency of Korean media

The scale of 1 is conservative. 3 is neutral. 5 is progressive. This scale bar only shows popular newspaper companies.

Extra posting, Park gwanyoung

2013051116 ADPR Park gwanyoung

 I have learned about Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. In his theory, I had some chances of comparing other countries' tendency. I searched Chinese tendency and what interested me was China has a very low scale of uncertainty avoidance which is 30. I could have an insight from this scale. These days, Chinese found a lot of start-up corporations. Since China's tendency of uncertainty avoidance, Chinese are tend to challenge to jump into new business and show their experimental try. In my opinion, a country that tries to have dynamic economic growth have a low uncertainty avoidance tendency.
 Therefore, I guess in 70~80s Korea, when the miracle of Han river period, also has low uncertainty avoidance. However, since the economy of South Korea getting better, the uncertainty avoidance grew up. If there is any data of South Korea's 70~80s uncertainty avoidance, I would like to check that my hypothesis is wrong or correct.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Extra posting3. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)


Information sociology
2015048986 천병헌

  Recently, I read that university students and workers in South Korea focused too much on their work and they suffered from depression. Rather than having leisure time, it would be most serious for Korea to concentrate on the job. Because they hang out at work in school or at work for half a day. For example, after work, the boss doesn't leave work. The boss will argue that the work is finished, but others have not finished or are nearing completion. It works as if it were a practice of work. Of course, things are not bad at all. In a capitalist society, works are very important. Work brings about loyalty and self-sufficience about one's profession. Also, work provides money and goals to enjoy leisure time. However, works should not deprive oneself of leisure time. Also, works should not be the goal of life itself. In some ways, not only college students and businessmen, but all Korean citizens became slaves to work.

  So, in order to objectively view the importance of the work in the daily lives of Korean citizens, I found the survey results in the WVS database. I chose East Asia (Korea, Japan) and the United States as a comparison country. In the question of 'important in life : work', Japan answered 52.1 percent. South korea answered 60.8 percent. United States responded 35.6 percent. I found out that Korea was the highest in Korea. In a sense, I thought it might be a side effect of rapid economic growth in the short term. 

The above statistics alone are difficult to explain. But what I want to say is that not only do people recognize the importance of work, but also don't interfere with their personal sphere. Because humans are not the only ones working like machines. Also, the reason why humans have jobs is to ensure personal areas. If purpose of works and personal areas is reversed, humans can be treated as machines.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Extra posting2, WVS. ByoungHyun Chun(천병헌)

old age issues

Information sociology2015048986 천병헌

  I am interested in old age issues. So this week's blog topic is also related to 'the elderly' issues. On the " WVS " site, I found out that "Older people get more than their fare share from the government." I chose China, Germany, Japan and South Korea as the target countries. Because I wanted to compare Germany which are considered to be good for the welfare of the elderly and the East Asian countries. The results of the survey were very interesting. 

In the case of South Korea, on this question, 66.1 % replied " disagree. " I thought about why these results appeared. Although South Korea has a basic pension system, the actual lives of the elderly are difficult. I think that one of the reasons for these results is that there is an opportunity for the elderly over the age of 65 to benefit from the benefits of the basic pension system. Therefore, older people under 65 do not receive such benefits. As a result, in news or articles, we can find examples of elderly solitude, suicide, and increased isolation of lone solitude. 

what is very surprising is the case in Germany. Germany is a country that cares about the elderly socially. It is also said that social security systems are well-regulated. However, in this survey, 56.1 % of the respondents replied that they did not strongly agree with the above survey. I became curious about this result. So, I want to think about this matter with my classmates.


Saturday, October 21, 2017

W6. Cultural Globalization - Jeon Seung Hyeon

W6. Cultural Globalization

Information Sociology
2014048640 Jeon Seung Hyeon

1. Introduction

 Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meaning and global values in a way that enhances expansion and social relations. In modern times, and at the beginning of the 20th century, this process is marked by the general consumption of culture spread by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel. It has a long history with the meaning of global culture and added to the process of commodity exchange and colonization.
 Cultural circulation enables individuals to participate in extended social relationships across national and regional boundaries. The expansion of creation and social relations is not observed only at the material level. Cultural globalization involves the formation of shared norms and knowledge that link people's cultural identities with their own individuals and groups. This provides an incremental interaction between different groups and cultures.

(Source : Genius learning encyclopedia)

2. Key concepts and phenomena


 In general, the concept of culture is implicitly associated with speciality and territory. It was the assumption that culture was subject to physical space constraints and that it was accompanied by limited integration.

 However, the complex and abstract connections that globalization brings have weakened this concept. Globalization has overcome the restriction of the region.

 The most fundamental characteristic of globalization is the de-territorialization caused by complex social and economic union and proliferation. This means that the area covered and experienced in everyday life will expand and become more connected.

 Furthermore, the weakening of the correlation between cultural experience and geographic boundaries is the broadest impact of cultural globalization.


 Cosmopolitanism is the ideology of realizing a world society that regards all human beings as one and individual units. It is ideal to move away from the state of the state and realize a world state by excluding the peculiar values and prejudices of the state.

 Hegel's world history, which was settled by war, is called the world court, and the global civilization is backed by the full-fledged nationalism with the French Revolution. In this context, the leftist internationalist movement focusing on 'international' such as Marxism and anarchism attracts attention. In Marx and Engels' Communist Party Declaration, 'Workers do not have a homeland', claiming 'unity of workers all over the world'. At the same time, however, he argued that 'the proletarian class must become a citizen by itself by acquiring political domination'. In Marxism, internationalism was not distinguished from the cosmopolitanism of 'people without root', not denying the unit of the people. The tendency to emphasize the nation along with the class became stronger in the 20th century when Marxism 's influence reached the developing regions and accompanied the national liberation struggle. And that cosmopolitanism was bourgeois.

 In the 20th century, the socialism 's internationalism was also defeated by nationalism and two world wars erupted. The United Nations, which was created by reflection on the post-Cold War era, was restricted by the Cold War ethics, but nonetheless, interdependence deepened and the international community became more real. After the Cold War, the globalization was further advanced and the framework of the national state was remarkably shaken. Now, the international community is not only formed by inter-state relations, but also by NGOs such as multinational corporations and civic movements, and by international media. The idea of ​​citizens living in them is not only an international but also a re-evaluation of cosmopolitan views It is being urged.


 Cultural identity is a sense of identity or belonging to a particular group that has been influenced by various countries, races, gender, religion, and so on. This identity is created by communication, values of group and family members, faith, and important personal experience.

 There is a difference in individual cultural identity. You will be influenced by a variety of factors, including groups that naturally use the new language, favorite groups that love analog machines, groups that love rap, or classics, and groups that play with Barbie at a young age.

 And in the global age, when people meet and communicate with each other, these differences can be found without difficulty. There are mistakes made by people who do not understand the words of the Japanese people who express the rejection in a roundabout way, and mistakes made when they do not know that it is politely unfit to fill the empty cup of the German person in the drink.

 The sense of cultural identity to be encountered as much as the various countries of the planet is also diverse.

 Through the identification of the traditional existence that exists in the modern life, it is possible to reaffirm the legitimacy of life and to strengthen the cultural identity within it. This is directly related to the meaning of the existence of one's life, and the festival can be an important mediator of this process. The number of festivals and the number of festivals are increasing beyond measure in Korea as well as at the global level.


 Cultural homogenization is a phenomenon in which cultural characteristics of one region are the same or similar in other regions.

 Examples include the proliferation of popular culture such as hamburgers, coke, fast food restaurants, coffee shops, Hollywood movies, pop music, and jeans in the United States.

 The tendency to become uniform in Western culture appears, and the cultural uniqueness of individual countries is weakened. There are also cultural and economic inequalities among countries.

 Cultural convergence is a phenomenon in which the culture that has spread according to globalization is mixed with local culture according to the characteristics of each region. Two different cultures combine to form a new third form.

 For example, there are local burgers, California rolls, stone beds with Korean Ondol and Western beds, Bollywood movies in India, and K-pop in Korea.

3. Discussion point

 Today, the international society is no longer established by the relationship between nations. But also by NGOs and international media, such as multinational corporations and civic movements.

 As a citizen's idea of living in this world, the necessity of a cosmopolitan view is raised not only as an international. How do you think about this?

W3. What is Globalization? - Jeon Seung Hyeon

W3. What is Globalization?

Information Sociology
2014048640 Jeon Seung Hyeon

(Source : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPD477FuqtY)

1. Introduction

 If internationalization refers to the phenomenon of the quantitative increase in the exchange of national states, globalization refers to the process by which the world society acquires its own dimension by newly reconstructing modern social life beyond the expansion of quantitative exchange. Globalization places importance on world society as an analytical unit.
 This globalization is faced with positive, negative, and eclectic. First, the theory of affirmation suggests that globalization brings about development for mankind by strengthening a single global market and competitive principles. They are optimistic about the consequences of globalization, arguing that globalization brings prosperity to the world community, as many countries have comparative advantage in trade.
 It is the theory of negativity against globalization. This inaccuracy can be divided into two views. One view that focuses on the negative consequences of globalization is the view that human globalization is possible through social movements. If the former emphasizes that the ongoing globalization is strengthening the domination of the world economy by the transnational capital and the inequalities at the global level, Anti-humanitarianism, anti-globalization movement.
 The third view contrasts with positive theory and negative theory. This compassion theory sees globalization as a two-sided process that has both positive and negative aspects. They argue that globalization can not be seen as either blessing or disaster, and thus emphasizes that the dichotomy of globalization must be reconsidered. For them, globalization is a new opportunity to improve economic and cultural life as well as a crisis that strengthens global inequality. The eclecticism calls for a balanced understanding of globalization and emphasizes value judgment based on fact judgment.
 Robertson claims that the world has become a place. This argument has had a great impact on social science. Globalization is taking place in the fields of economy, culture and politics. What is remarkable in the globalization of culture is Americanization tendency. Today, the influence of American popular culture and lifestyle, represented by Hollywood movies, pop music, and Disneyland, has grown ever larger. This cultural restructuring at the global level is accelerating global trends in that it has a greater impact on everyday and cultural life and consciousness than any Western policy and technology.

(Source : George Ritzer, "The McDonaldization of Society", Sioux City, 2003)

2. Significance and Evaluation

 Globalization is a concept to understand global social change in recent years. Since the 1997 financial crisis, there has been a double-sided evaluation of this globalization, On the other hand, if the emphasis is on aggressive acceptance of globalization, on the other hand, it is argued that critical acceptance or rejection of globalization is necessary.
 Taking a step back, globalization is a two-sided process that has both positive and negative aspects. Globalization is a new opportunity to improve economic and cultural life as well as a crisis that strengthens global inequality. What is important is that globalization is increasingly influencing Korean society. Therefore, a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of globalization is required, and a more aggressive and multifaceted response strategy to globalization should be sought.

3. Discussion point

 Through the text, we can see that the evaluation of globalization is confronted with positive, negative, and eclectic. Today, economic, cultural, and political globalization has not only a significant impact on the decisions of national states, including governments, but its influence is growing. How can we evaluate globalization in this situation?


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

W3. What is globalization? / Minseong kim

1.     Summary

 In this article, authors, Ronald Robertson and Kathleen E. White, want to answer a question – “What is Globalization.” As answering the question, they tried to characterize globalization with three sentences.

 First, globalization consists primarily of two major directional tendencies, increasing global connectivity and increasing global consciousness. Consciousness does not imply consensus, but see the world as a whole. In article, there are the details of process to be concluded like it.

In the past, there were thought that the most important single defining feature of globalization is that of increasing connectivity. Little attention is given to what could be considered as a combination of both subjective and cultural factors. It is maintained that increasing global consciousness runs in complex ways with increasing connectivity. In other words, there were the relative neglect of the latter in favour of the former. But after ‘terrorism’ problem, people have thought that there must not be relative neglect of the two.

Second, globalization has a particular form, one which has been consummated by the founding of the United Nations organization. This means that, like the operations of the UN, globalization is focused upon four points of reference: nation-states; world politics; individuals; and humankind. In the article, there is process to upper conclusion with Wallerstein’s point of view.

 Wallerstein says that the world could have become the singular ‘system’. From Wallerstein’s point of view, the present world-system has been produced primarily by the expansion of capitalism over the past 5 or 6 hundred years. This expansion is challenged by what he calls anti-systemic movement. In this reason, we start to think of the overall process of globalization in a more multifaceted way. From much of the present authors’ work on globalization after Wallerstein generation, the four points of reference are made.

 Third, globalization is constituted by four major dimensions – the cultural, the political, the economic and the social. Before thinking about globalization has been undertaken by sociologists, there were three major dimensions of such: the economic, the political and the cultural. Paradoxically, although the neglect of the social dimension is rather glaring, suffice to say that the social dimension has surely been crucial in the process of globalization. And these four dimensions are in reality heavily interacted. Furthermore, any one of these dimensions is not more important than the others.

2.     New, interesting or unusual items I learned

The most interesting point in the article is the expression about relationship between global and local. As mentioned in the article, I also have thought that the local is regarded as the opposite of the global. But the expression in the article “think of the two as not being opposites but rather as being different sides of the same coin.” is very unusual and interesting. I can more easily understand ‘glocalization’ with this point of view.

 There is another interesting item that I found in article. It is that seeing ‘Roman Empire’ as proto-globalization. I have thought that globalization was derived from technological development. But like the article mentioned, ‘Roman Empire’ can be classified as ‘globalization’ In this point, I want to discuss with you guys.

3.     Discussion

If ‘Roman Empire’ is regarded as kind of proto-globalization, which dimension constitute Roman Empire’s globalization, the economic? the cultural? the social? or the political? I think that there was another effective dimension beyond the four, ‘the violent’ such as power of army.

 I think America’s Iraq invasion is similar with Roman Empire’s globalization. I think that by making an ostentatious display of America’s military strength, U.S.A globalized the liberal democracy to Iraq dominated by Saddam Hussein.

 Another thing I want to discuss is that globalization by seizing with military power like Roman Empire is good thing because of being globalized? There was no choice to be globalized. If they didn’t want to, wasn’t that globalization bad thing?

W6. Cultural globalization/ Heo Yoon Jae

The article started with the meaning of globalization and culture before to talk about cultural globalization.
Globalization is a multi-dimensional process consisting of various dimensions such as economics, politics, environment, and culture. Advances in technology - especially in terms of media and communication - have increased connectivity and dependence on modern society and the network is becoming dense. These links affect us in various areas, preference of food, music and movies to global warming and influenza. We live in the most interconnected world.
Culture is tool-kit to interpretation and motivation of social life behaviors. In particular, the author views the culture as a tool for expression or interpretation. It provides a context for understanding the meaning and reasoning of events through culture. Also, culture serves as a tool to express itself while fulfilling its physical needs.
Many scholars said that cultural globalization is based in a single culture – western culture. This phenomenon is described by the word cultural imperialism, Americanization, or westernization. For examples, Microsoft, Google, McDonald's, CNN, Nike, Starbucks, Hollywood movies and American pop music. They said we should be care about this situation.
However, the author says the consumption of cultural goods can’t state the dangers of the practice of culture itself. Since globalization is multi-dimensional, it is impossible to say that reunification in the economic means to the unification of the cultural aspect.
The concept of cultural globalization can be found in history. The Ebstorf MappI MundI, a 13th-century century, is a world map centered on Christianity and Europe. This reflects the world's view of the world, which wanted globalization based on Christian culture and European culture.
Cultural globalization changes our local experience. The author describes this phenomenon as a devitalization, meaning that the practice of physical, environmental, climatic, climate and climatic positions is collapsing. Culture is no longer tied to local circumstances.
Cultural globalization changes our local experience. The author describes this phenomenon as a deterritorialization, meaning that the practice of physical, environmental, climatic, climate and climatic positions is collapsing. In this aspect, culture is no longer tied to local circumstances.
Deterritorialization integrates global unity in events, processes, and causation in our lives. For example we eat American fast food in Seoul and watch American TV programs in our house with Netflix. We watch news about foreign government, chat with foreigners.
Deterritorialization changes the region's experiences and provides broader cultural horizons to people. Through the increase in mobility, the use of new communication technologies, and globalization, people naturally absorb the cultural data of the region and the world.
Due to globalization, simple local citizens have disappeared. Now we are Cosmopolitan. By understanding international trends, we can think about the identity of international tendencies. Global world order can be used as a means to understand our human being and can act as a universal order. We are facing the future world and need a more flexible cultural concept than we have.

Interesting points
I interested in deterritorialization. It was interesting that we were losing sight of the characteristics of space-time while overcoming space and time.

Discussion points
This topic and last topic about globalization, authors said we should have flexible attitude. But I had learned “The most Korean thing is the most cosmopolitan.” in past. Because we have to save our unique – Korean - culture. In this global trends, how flexible should we be and how firm should we be?

Monday, October 16, 2017

W6. Cultural globalization/ Minseong Kim


 The subject of John Tomlinson’s article is ‘Cultural Globalization’. Before understanding about ‘Cultural Globalization’, Tom wants to define globalization first. He says that globalization is a multidimensional process, taking place simultaneously within the spheres of the economy, of politics, of technological developments, of environmental change and of culture. It means that ‘Cultural Globalization’ is regarded as one of the types of globalization – I interpret -.

 Unless globalization is regarded as multidimensional process, there is a tacit assumption as to the relative importance of each of these dimensions. Although there is no escaping dominance of the capitalist system, the sphere of the economy, John suggest that economy must not be considered as causal primacy in the globalization process.

 To return to the subject, Cultural Globalization, culture is a dimension in which globalization both has its effects and simultaneously is generated and shaped. In this article, particularly, shows what sort of shape is emerging.

 First, there is an uneven globalization process such as ‘cultural imperialism’ – with areas of concentration and density of flow and other areas of neglect or even perhaps exclusion. One of the very example is what western corporations are installing Western culture as global culture by their goods.

 A different way of approaching these issues is to view contemporary globalization in the context of a much longer historical context. A map from thirteenth-century Europe can be an example. In the century, there is a dominant religion, Christianity. So in the map, Jerusalem - the holy city – is placed at the center. It can be regarded as emphasizing the religion, but Slavoj Zizek argues that Christian universalism tendentially excludes non-believers from the very universality.

 So far, the article showed that what sort of shape is emerging. But, from now on, it shows the effects of globalization. Globalization is changing our experience of ‘locality’ and the idea of ‘deterritorialization’ represents the change. ‘Deterritorialization’ means that the significance of the geographical location of a culture. In the other words, culture is no longer tied to the constraints of local circumstances.

 Although the phenomenon of deterritorialization arises from lots of reasons, the article says that deterritorialization is mainly connected with ‘telemediatization’. ‘Telemediatization’ means our increasing routine dependence on electronic media and communications technologies and systems. Through these phenomena, what happens in distant parts of the world matters in our lives.

 In spite of cultural globalization, there is the pluralism of identity positions. As we know, identities are constructs not possessions. So we need to think culture more flexible than we so far possess.

2. New, interesting or unusual items I learned

 There are two interesting or unusual items what I found in the article. First, the word of ‘deterritorialization’ is very interesting word to me. Because what I have thought about globalization is interaction among the countries which have their own territory. After knowing about deterritorialization, I find that what are globally famous is beyond territory such as Hollywood movie, pop song, Apple and Gangnam-style.

 Second, the sentence, ‘identities are constructs not possessions’, is quite unusual to me. I have thought identities as neither constructs nor possessions. This sentence is connected to what I want to discuss.

3. Discussion

 There are two things what I want to discuss. First one is the sentence - ‘identities are constructs not possessions’. This is quite interesting sentence, but I’m not sure about difference between constructs and possessions. If identities are constructs, isn’t there any uneven relationship among cultures? What is exact definition of constructs and possessions about identities.

 Second one is that 'Westernization' is only considered negatively such as 'cultural imperialism'? I think there are better reasons that western culture is becoming dominant culture in the world than eastern or other culture. By adopting western culture, for example, South Korean has more liberal attitude so that we impeached former president. Because of this good reason, I think that we see 'westernization' not only negatively but also positively.


W3. What is the globalization? / Heo Yoon Jae

Globalization refers to the way in which the world perceives or accepts different countries. Author of the article said globalization has two ironical features, it is generally but also specific. The reason of globalization’s general feature is it could be found in any parts of the world as a number of disciplinary positions as well as worldviews. And also globalization is specific because scholars are careful about the demarcation of the judgement of what has come to be called globalization.
Each scholars’ point of view of globalization is vary widely. They said globalization is an object, process or ongoing. The author argues that the definition of globalization is difficult because each book, article, and scholar have different definitions about globalization. But they also said each of the definition of globalization has common feature which is they tried to view the globalization as a multiple-dimensional point of view. And the author claims that globalization has three dimensions, political globalization, cultural globalization and economic globalization.
First, political globalization is organization and operation of faction to solve the economic, social, cultural, military and environmental issues that one or more countries share. This organizations’ aim is to solve multi-national problems by understand and respect each other country. In this case, UN(United Nations), NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and IMF (International Monetary Fund) are included.
Second dimension is cultural globalization. The feature of cultural globalization is it is processed as in personal level. Cultural globalization affects everyday life, such as the world's preferences, tastes similar to the likes of McDonald's or Starbucks and the world's fashion is similar to that of Nike or Adidas. It is expressed as a cultural homogenization in the sense that the tastes of the world become similar. However, in a specific point of view, cultural globalization is also proceeding in local and locally in their own way. So it is called glocalization.
Third is economic globalization. Cooperates turned to global markets, not domestic markets, to earn more profits. Because of this, modern economic transactions tend to be more global. Through economic globalization, global companies have overpower based on capitals and it is a negative side effect of economic globalization
Globalization was started at many centuries ago, but accelerated in the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of communism in 1980s. Eventually, the capitalism makes peoples can have a broader view to world. And the invention of the internet can overcome the confines of space and time. They created an environment where the nation could become more open-minded and interact quickly. As technology develops, the pace of globalization is becoming more immediate and faster. Individuals need to become more conscious and sensitive to stay abreast of these globalization processes.

Interesting points
The author said, “Globalization is both general and very specific.” And this is very impressed to me. I think Globalization and glocalizaition is symbol of general and specific feature. It seems globalization makes us to easy to understand international relationship, but like in our everyday life it is important to consider individuals points of view to global thing.


When the world economy boomed, the nation seemed to be trying to get closer to each other. However, in the middle of 2000, there were many serious global issues such as 2008 World Financial Crisis and IS. Because of that, countries have become selfish unlike ever before. British withdrew from the EU, and in the United States, Donald Trump was elected. In this situation, can globalization develop in a positive direction?

W6. Cultural globalization / Gwanyoung Park

Cultural globalization

1. Summary
   Simply say, globalization is a complex, accelerating, integrating process of global connectivity. In the modern world, the network of interconnections and interdependencies are getting denser. The connection is triggered by communication technologies such as mobile phones, computers, e-mail and the internet. This connectivity in the capitalist society gives a lot of effects on the economy. However, we must avoid the temptation to attribute it with casual primacy in the globalization process because it operates on an unrealistically narrow conception of the economic and distorts our understanding of the sphere of culture. 
   Many scholars think that one powerful culture with hegemony will lead the globalization because of. the connectivity of modern society. However, the global connection does not stand for the world would be unified economically and politically but Western critics claim that cultural globalization implies a form of cultural imperialism. For example, well known American brand such as google, microsoft, nike, coca cola became an icon of some kind of American culture. In order words, a kind of totalitarian of culture.
2. Interesting or unusual items that I learned
   There were many difficult concepts in this topics. Especially, deterritorialization was an interesting concept for me. Because of the connectivity of modern society, space does not important when it comes to talking about culture. Moreover, this connectivity is the main fact that makes diversity cultures. 

W6. Cultural Globalization / KIM TAE YOON

 Cultural Globalization

2013051495 Journalism and Masscommunication

The Relationship between Globalization and Culture
Globalization primarily refers to the dynamic and multidimensional connectivity of virtually everything in our lives, including people, information, pollution, fashion, and so on; it is present in our economy, politics, technology, environment, and culture. It Influences and defines the very moment of our lives such as the food we eat, movies we watch or clothes we wear. The more connected we become, the denser it gets.

The economic sphere has a dominating significance in global connectivity and the process of, as it is what drives the global capitalist market. However, considering the complexities of intrinsic connection between economy and culture, which in itself is an elusive concept, we cannot oversimplify the reason for this dominating significance solely to the global dominance of the capitalist system.

What is an economic practice is also cultural by nature, and culture is not something that can be defined by taking an ultimate stance in the discussion of cause and effect. Driven by the innate need for ‘meaning’, humans create socially shared meanings, and this process can in turn influences individuals. This loop of process not only happen within the context of culture but relationship between globalization and culture itself; “culture is a dimension in which globalization both has its effects and simultaneously is generated and shaped.”

Through globalization, a new pattern is emerging; the world is becoming more unified with its own limits and exception, pushing us towards a ‘global culture’. Several obvious examples include the EU - economic and political union of 28 European countries, corporations operating in a global scale, or the CFC emissions - local environmental effects becoming a global problem.
 Despite the unifying quality of globalization, the process of globalization is not quite equal and a common assumption is the pattern of cultural imperialism of Western capitalists - domination of world cultures by iconic brands such as Disney, Coca-Cola, and more. Yet, globalization is also bringing different or even opposing cultures closer into contention. This unifying pattern is not new to history, however, as many cultures and societies have imagined the world as a single place with each of their own cultures at the center. (Examples in texts) 
Karl Marx’s radically euro-centric communist society is among these historic examples. What was interesting of his communist vision was that despite his radical beliefs he had a Eurocentric attitude towards other cultures.
 Although very common, it is not right to view one’s culture as a model of others; it is important to try to think relatively, with the inclusion of other cultures as well.
As we can see from deterritorialization, culture does not rely on local circumstances. For example, we can easily find worldwide food in local supermarket. This kind of phenomenon take effect from many reason, but one thing sure is that it is a key difference in 21century life.

Interesting point
Actually, I was curious about how the globalization spread out. And I somewhat agree with the statement that the process of globalization is not equal and common assumption, because of the pattern of cultural imperialism of Western capitalists. We can easily see that some brand(Coca-cola, McDonald’s Corporation, Starbucks and so on) dominates the worldwide culture.
Also, before do this assignment, I had never heard about deterritorialism and cosmopolitanism. Through this, I can understand the concept of deterritorialism and cosmopolitanism. Some expressions were grammatically very hard to understand, but I believe I went quite close to what is cultural globalization.

Discussion point
I want to discuss about Korean culture. Korean brand, especially Cosmetic company, Food company, Media entertainment is very powerful in many Asian countries such as China, and Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines and so on. A lot of people are consuming related products and producing similar culture on their own. Considering this situation, I would like to discuss following question. Is Korean culture also can be seen as Cultural capitalists? 

W6. Cultural Globalization / 2015048540 Jeong Myung Hee

Cultural Globalization 

2015048540 Jeong Myung Hee


The relationship between globalization and culture
Before describing cultural globalization, the writer explained relationship between globalization and culture. He first defined the terms. There is one simple way of defining globalization is to say that it is complex, accelerating, integrating process of global connectivity. And this connectivity has been increased. It is in multidimensional connection, so understanding globalization as a generalized process of increasing connectedness helps us to keep in mind the complexity.

A Global Culture

This article said that there is one common speculation about globalization process is that it will lead to a single global culture. But the reason it seems possible. Because we can see the unifying effects of connectivity in other spheres in economic sphere where the tightly integrated system of the global market provides the model. However, there is a tendency to imagine globalization pushing us towards an all-encompassing global culture. Besides, we feared domination of world cultures through advanced iconic brands such as Disney, Coca-Cola, Marlboro. Moreover, it made an example about anti-Western feeling in large parts of Muslim world to support opinion.


It can be another way of approaching cultural globalization that is via by understanding the effects of globalization as they felt within particular localities. It is rapidly changing our experience of this ‘locality’ and one way of grasping this change is in the idea of deterritorialization means that the significance of the geographical location of a culture is eroding. It means that no longer is culture so ‘tied’ to the constraints of local circumstances. Then the idea of ‘a culture’ implicitly connects meaning construction with particularity and location.

Cosmopolitanism and cultural identity

He suggested in discussion of the idea of a progressive, cosmopolitan cultural politics deserves to be taken seriously. ‘telemendiatization’ of culture is a key distinction in twenty first century life. Typically, the use of internet, and even to some degree of television, is decribed a sa form of ‘virtual travel’ and popular expressions often employ metaphors of mobility. Besides, the most important task is terms with the way in which telemediatization is shaping our lives and that modern social life as it were, has its inevitable pace set by this technology. Defining ‘Cultural identify’ is much complex problem. So, we need to come up with much more flexible cultural concepts than now.


At the section of global culture, there is feeling of fear and anti-feeling about advanced iconic brands in some cultural area. I had not thought about it before. I had just guessed almost all of countries like global cultural things. However, I saw real case of it when I visit China last summer. There is prohibition of using global social media such as Facebook, Instagram etc. And I surprised that there is still hard to see global brands in old Chinese street. It is different from a lot of global brands even on the old street in S.Korea. I guess Chinese government avoid from leading or joining by other cultural brands.

There is some concepts that I learned by the article. 'Cultural identify' is one of them. And I realized the meaning of it has been changed by technological, commincational, economic progress. For example, because of development internet, we can be touched others whithin a few seconds. As a result, we are easily able to exchange cultural things by it. We need to dicuss  how to define cultural location, etc. 

Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

Q1. How could we measure cultural globalization?     Each country has its own culture and the degree to which the world's peop...