Thursday, December 21, 2017

W10. Political Globalization - Jeon Seung Hyeon

W10. Political Globalization

Information Sociology
2014048640 Jeon Seung Hyeon

[Title: TED video on nationalism and globalization]

1. Introduction

 Political globalization means the growth of a global political world, especially in terms of the size and complexity of politics. The system includes intergovernmental organizations as well as independent governmental elements of the global civil society such as national governments and their governments, and international NGOs and social movement organizations. One of the main aspects of political globalization is the diminishing importance of the nation state and the increase of other actors in the political scene. The existence and formation of the United Nations (UN) has been called one of the classic examples of political globalization.

 William R. Thompson defines this as an extension of the world political system and that their institutions manage transactions between the regions. Valentine M. Moghadam describes this as "towards the emergence of an increasingly multinational, transnational nationalism, and to the emergence of national and international non-governmental organizations acting as government watchdogs, This is an increase."

 Manfred B. Steger defined "the strengthening and expansion of political interrelationships around the world" and Colin Croke said, "Globalization is a process of globalization that is driven by the forces of global governments, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organization Increase. However, it also refers to the proliferation and influence of international non-governmental organizations, and social movement groups and transnational support networks are active at the borders and constitute a global civil society." Finally, Gerard Delanti and Chris Rumford define this as "the tension between the three processes that create the complex realm of global politics, the global norms, the global norms, and the three processes that interact with the network of multi-centrism".

 Political globalization is one of the three main dimensions of globalization that can be found in academic literature, including economic globalization and cultural globalization.

[United Nations General Assembly Hall in the UN Headquarters, New York, NY]

2. Key concepts and phenomena



 Salvatore Babones points out that the materials used by scholars to study political globalization are the Europa World Year Book for diplomatic relations between countries and the International Institute for Strategic Studies such as The Military Balance for military content Publications, and terrorism, emphasizes the usefulness of the US government publication Patterns of Global Terrorism.

Political globalization can be measured by data and weights on the number of embassies and senior officials in a country, the number of international organizations affiliated with it, the number of UN peacekeeping missions participated, and the number of international treaties concluded with other countries. This scale was used by Axel Dreher, Noel Gaston, Pim Martens, and Jeffery Haynes and is available at KOF institute at ETH Zurich.

2) Various aspects of the phenomenon

 Like globalization, political globalization has several aspects and leads to many interpretations. It has been discussed not only in the context of autonomous loss and division of social globalization, but also in the context of the possibility of a new liberation. Political globalization can be seen in democratization of the world, creation of world civil society, and movement out of the bounds of nationalism, in particular changes such as the only actors in the political field. Some questions at the heart of the discussion on political globalization are related to the future of the nation state. Whether its significance is diminishing and what is the cause of such a change; And to understand the emergence of the concept of global government. The creation and survival of the United Nations has been called a classic example of political globalization. Political actions by non-governmental organizations and social movements on various topics such as environmental protection are another example.

David Held suggested that political globalization, which continues through criticism of this insight as overly idealistic, could lead to the creation of world governments such as international democracy.

3. Discussion point

 There is a hot debate between political globalization and countries. The question is whether political globalization represents the decline of the nation state. Hyper Globalists argue that globalization has enveloped today's world in such a way that the national boundaries begin to lose their meaning. But skeptics believe that the nation - state remains an important role in international relations.

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