Sunday, September 24, 2017

W3. What is globalization?_Lee Dakyeong

What is Globalization?

1. Summarize
It is familiar with words of globalization, but this concept is not as simple as thought. Globalization is not a single process, but a complex process. Globalization is common in many parts of the world, and it is special because the process of globalization varies from country to country. Therefore, globalization is general and specific, and is ongoing.
The scholar Velho sees globalization as plural concept and defines globalization as object, perspective. Because globalization is complex, looking at a single point can be subjective and difficult. Globalization can be seen as the direction in which the world moves. Research on globalization is ongoing. Globalization is being studied in sociology, anthropology, and religion. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the term globalization began to spread widely. Countries with economically high status have become leaders. As a result, many people have come to see globalization from an economic point of view. However, globalization can be viewed from various perspectives, not just from the perspective of Economy. Recently, many scholars have become interested in the cultural aspects of globalization. A scholar, Ritzer, has learned that global companies are studying what goes into various countries and it is essential to adapt to the culture of that country.
The key of globalization is increasing connectivity and raising global awareness. It is also crucial that the World Organization is composed of a completed form and globalization is consist of a social, cultural and political aspects. It is necessary to have a more careful system for criticizing globalization.

2. New, interesting or unusual items I learned

In this article, we are talking about social, political, and cultural aspects is crucial as economic aspects of globalization. I think economical aspect is much more important than the social, political, and cultural aspects, but it is strange that this article says that everyone should be together.
 I think that economically powerful nations still have a lot of power. Therefore, I think that the process of analyzing globalization will also be influenced by the great powers. I doubt that economically superior countries will be superior in terms of culture. I thought that economically superior countries were superior in terms of social, political, and cultural aspects. However, when I saw this article, I thought that it might not be.
3. Discuss point

But my question is not completely resolved. It is because the economic side is the biggest part and everything is attributed to it. Therefore, I would like to discuss whether the political, social, and cultural aspects of globalization can be seen equal with an economic standpoint.

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