Monday, October 9, 2017

Extra blog post / Chaehyeon Lee

WVS Data Analysis

In the last class, we studied analyzing the surveys at the WVS site. Based on the survey, it is a site that can compare countries. First, select a time on the site. Then choose a country. If you select several countries, you can select the question. I chose the period 2010-2014. I chose China, Japan, Germany, the United States, Sweden, and Korea. I will analyze the interesting graphs of a number of questions.
Would not like to have as neighbors: Immigrants / foreign workers
WVS 2010-2014
The question is whether you want to accept immigrants or foreign workers as your neighbors. The answer that they do not want to accept it is 22.4% said. On the other hand, 77.5% of respondents answered that they can accept it. On average, positive responses were higher than negative responses. However, in Korea, 44.2% of respondents reported a negative response compared to other countries. Japan also has a negative answer than other countries. Compared with Japan, Korea has negative views on immigrants and foreign workers. Compared to China, which is the same Asian region, it has a higher percentage. I think Korea still shows prejudice against immigrants and foreign workers. There is a perception that immigrants and foreign workers in Korea often come from developing countries. So it seems that people are reluctant to accept them. Although we have improved the awareness, there is still a prejudice. It seems that because immigrants and foreign workers are considered social minorities rather than members of society.
Would not like to have as neighbors: People of a different race 

WVS 2010-2014
The results were similar for other races. Korea was 34.1% higher than other countries. We tend to deny foreigners. Sweden is 97.2% and the United States is 94.4%. Among the six countries, Japan is the most negative country except Korea. But Japan is also 77.7%.
Korea seems to be more negative than outsiders. I think that the perception of Koreans has changed, but we still need more effort. This figure can not be generalized, but most people will agree with it. Our society is changing into a multicultural society. A multicultural society will consist of various people. In the long term, this will help strengthen competitiveness. But there seems to be a negative opinion that immigrants and foreign workers will make social integration difficult.
There is a need to solve problems such as superior consciousness and sense of heterogeneity, crime worries, and jobs that are deeply embedded in our society. Both the institutional dimension and the cognitive dimension must be solved by referring to overseas cases, not a one-off campaign. Germany and Sweden, which were actually single ethnic groups, changed multicultural policies from welfare center to education center. In addition, compulsory education was provided to multicultural families so that they could use their native language. Like this, I think such a continuous and changing effort is needed.

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