Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Extra posting, Park gwanyoung

2013051116 ADPR Park gwanyoung

 I have learned about Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory. In his theory, I had some chances of comparing other countries' tendency. I searched Chinese tendency and what interested me was China has a very low scale of uncertainty avoidance which is 30. I could have an insight from this scale. These days, Chinese found a lot of start-up corporations. Since China's tendency of uncertainty avoidance, Chinese are tend to challenge to jump into new business and show their experimental try. In my opinion, a country that tries to have dynamic economic growth have a low uncertainty avoidance tendency.
 Therefore, I guess in 70~80s Korea, when the miracle of Han river period, also has low uncertainty avoidance. However, since the economy of South Korea getting better, the uncertainty avoidance grew up. If there is any data of South Korea's 70~80s uncertainty avoidance, I would like to check that my hypothesis is wrong or correct.

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Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

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