Monday, October 16, 2017

W6. Cultural Globalization / 2015048540 Jeong Myung Hee

Cultural Globalization 

2015048540 Jeong Myung Hee


The relationship between globalization and culture
Before describing cultural globalization, the writer explained relationship between globalization and culture. He first defined the terms. There is one simple way of defining globalization is to say that it is complex, accelerating, integrating process of global connectivity. And this connectivity has been increased. It is in multidimensional connection, so understanding globalization as a generalized process of increasing connectedness helps us to keep in mind the complexity.

A Global Culture

This article said that there is one common speculation about globalization process is that it will lead to a single global culture. But the reason it seems possible. Because we can see the unifying effects of connectivity in other spheres in economic sphere where the tightly integrated system of the global market provides the model. However, there is a tendency to imagine globalization pushing us towards an all-encompassing global culture. Besides, we feared domination of world cultures through advanced iconic brands such as Disney, Coca-Cola, Marlboro. Moreover, it made an example about anti-Western feeling in large parts of Muslim world to support opinion.


It can be another way of approaching cultural globalization that is via by understanding the effects of globalization as they felt within particular localities. It is rapidly changing our experience of this ‘locality’ and one way of grasping this change is in the idea of deterritorialization means that the significance of the geographical location of a culture is eroding. It means that no longer is culture so ‘tied’ to the constraints of local circumstances. Then the idea of ‘a culture’ implicitly connects meaning construction with particularity and location.

Cosmopolitanism and cultural identity

He suggested in discussion of the idea of a progressive, cosmopolitan cultural politics deserves to be taken seriously. ‘telemendiatization’ of culture is a key distinction in twenty first century life. Typically, the use of internet, and even to some degree of television, is decribed a sa form of ‘virtual travel’ and popular expressions often employ metaphors of mobility. Besides, the most important task is terms with the way in which telemediatization is shaping our lives and that modern social life as it were, has its inevitable pace set by this technology. Defining ‘Cultural identify’ is much complex problem. So, we need to come up with much more flexible cultural concepts than now.


At the section of global culture, there is feeling of fear and anti-feeling about advanced iconic brands in some cultural area. I had not thought about it before. I had just guessed almost all of countries like global cultural things. However, I saw real case of it when I visit China last summer. There is prohibition of using global social media such as Facebook, Instagram etc. And I surprised that there is still hard to see global brands in old Chinese street. It is different from a lot of global brands even on the old street in S.Korea. I guess Chinese government avoid from leading or joining by other cultural brands.

There is some concepts that I learned by the article. 'Cultural identify' is one of them. And I realized the meaning of it has been changed by technological, commincational, economic progress. For example, because of development internet, we can be touched others whithin a few seconds. As a result, we are easily able to exchange cultural things by it. We need to dicuss  how to define cultural location, etc. 

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