Monday, October 16, 2017

W6. Cultural globalization / Gwanyoung Park

Cultural globalization

1. Summary
   Simply say, globalization is a complex, accelerating, integrating process of global connectivity. In the modern world, the network of interconnections and interdependencies are getting denser. The connection is triggered by communication technologies such as mobile phones, computers, e-mail and the internet. This connectivity in the capitalist society gives a lot of effects on the economy. However, we must avoid the temptation to attribute it with casual primacy in the globalization process because it operates on an unrealistically narrow conception of the economic and distorts our understanding of the sphere of culture. 
   Many scholars think that one powerful culture with hegemony will lead the globalization because of. the connectivity of modern society. However, the global connection does not stand for the world would be unified economically and politically but Western critics claim that cultural globalization implies a form of cultural imperialism. For example, well known American brand such as google, microsoft, nike, coca cola became an icon of some kind of American culture. In order words, a kind of totalitarian of culture.
2. Interesting or unusual items that I learned
   There were many difficult concepts in this topics. Especially, deterritorialization was an interesting concept for me. Because of the connectivity of modern society, space does not important when it comes to talking about culture. Moreover, this connectivity is the main fact that makes diversity cultures. 

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Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

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