Sunday, October 15, 2017

W6. Cultural globalization / Kim Byung Chan

 Globalization connects many countries to one network. This network is getting stronger over time. This network is a great help to share and develop material, social, economic and cultural life. However, minority or weak countries, which are not linked to globalization, are getting weaker. Globalization is proceeding in various ways, but especially in the media and communication technology fields. Countries with relatively slow developments such as the Third World are lacking in the fields of media and communication technologies. Naturally, globalization is slow and connectivity is low in these countries. I am also quite interested in European history, culture, and people, but there is a lack of information on Third World and countries with low connectivity. Their culture is likely to disappear more easily than the culture of countries with strong networks due to lack of connectivity. If people realize that everyone is free and equal, there is no need to worry about them. But in reality, the weak countries are vulnerable. I think it is necessary to change the perception. I hope that cultural globalization can be achieved without abandoned culture.
 Cultural globalization has been centered around Western society, as it is called ‘Cultural Imperialism’, ‘Westernization’ or ‘Americanization’. The custom of rejecting Gentiles from Western culture began from ancient times. The Christian said, ‘all men are brothers’. This meant that the '‘Those who are not my brothers are not men’ and forced them to be brothers. In addition, the ‘chosen people’ had a proponent concept and tended to expel non-believers from the universality of mankind as 'elected people'. These ideas became the foundation for globalization through aggression and coercion. Other countries wanted to follow their culture, and I think this method was definitely wrong.
 However, I think the atmosphere of cultural globalization is different from the past.. Within each culture, they can choose the culture they want. It is not that we have surrendered to Western culture to smoke Marlboro cigarettes, eat McDonalds burgers, and drink Coke. In addition, other cultures can also spread to the West culture. Korea can be said to be a victim of the coercive globalization of the past. But now Korea has developed its own culture and spread its culture to other countries with the overwhelming development of communication technology and media. I believe that not only Korea but also the Third World can advance cultural globalization by developing and spreading their own culture.
 I think only one global culture is impossible. As cultural globalization progresses, many cultures of different countries are understood and accepted, and it can not be considered as a one global culture. I think cultures that violate human fundamental rights like Islamic countries can not be accepted unless they change. There are many ethnic minorities in huge nations like China and the United States. Of course, because there is a culture of their own, it is difficult to have a only one culture even in one country. Therefore, I think we can not have only one culture all over the world. instead, I think there can be culture that represent the world. as in the article, it is quite possible in the economic realm. In recent years, not only has its power weakened, but there have been trade agreements to eliminate obstacles to trade between similar regions such as NAFTA and APEC, as well as the integration of currency and the potential for economic integration.
 Karl Marx anticipated that capitalism would be destroyed and become communism, where his communist society is a world of universal language, world literature and an integrated international cultural tastes. But the reality is that capitalism has not been destroyed and that they are being implemented in the capitalist state. Cultural globalization is practiced in capitalism. In this regard, Marx predicted half of it. Although not communism, money is being integrated in globalization, and English is being used as the official language of the world. Also, considering that Western culture is being used as an international culture, I think that the Marx anticipated the future well.
 'Territory' plays an important role in the culture of each region. Just as the culture near the sea or the river and the culture near the mountains are different in one country, cultures can not but be created single culture because the territories are different. Localization is a good word to express it. Cultural globalization plays a big role in eliminating this localization. Moving a limited culture to other countries through globalization. It weakens traditional ties between culture and territory. This is not to say that deterritorialization simply removes the local culture. Various cultures of the world are absorbed in different territories, creating a new culture, and then globalization flourishes again. For example, Film Director Shim Hyung-rae's "the war" did not get much acclaim. However, I think it is a good example of the that the Korean director has also performed as an American film. Also, deterritorialization can be felt in ordinary life. As mentioned in the article, you can buy food from many countries around the world at Korean supermarkets. In addition, other countries’ family restaurants such as TGI and OUTBACK are frequent. I think it is one of the advantages of decontamination.
 I agree that cultural globalization enhances cultural identity. Cultural identities with characteristics such as gender, class, religion, race and ethnicity, nationality have their own characteristics. This is a description of cultural affiliation and a treasure of community. Cultural identity should be preserved if globalization really wants to integrate into one culture. I think ordinary people are not compliant and depriving changing their own. It is unacceptable that a culture that has a large impact on life, rather than a general object, is changed. Culture is a mental one that can not tell whether someone is good or bad. No matter what country they are born to, their parents are bound to be influenced by the culture of their territory. If you do not want to reform perfectly these influences that are influenced by the beginning of your life, you will naturally live with that culture. We do not want this culture to change completely due to globalization. However, when they judge that culture can develop in a better way, they will develop themselves and cultivate their own cultural identity. The rapid progress of decontamination and globalization will not lead to global governance, and I think globalization and cultural identity will proceed in parallel.

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Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

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