Sunday, October 15, 2017

W6. Cultural globalization/ Tae Joon Yoo

1.     Summary

As the technology grows, international exchange in economy, culture , politics and many other spheres become vigorous. This is the result of rapid growth of global communication. Now we call this phenomenon as Globalization. This is much more developed than the past and the rate of globalization growth is faster than ever. The network between countries densed and interconnections and interdependencides have grown huge. Globalization can be understood as “Generalized process of increasing connectedness. Not only Many fields in society, (economy, politics, culture, etc) become connected, but also, connection between countries and province become huge. So that understanding the globalization as individual concept is not precise.

 To understand Globalization precisely, it is important to focus on interrelation  between one sphere to another and to observe the complex , accerlerating, integrating process of global connectivity. These attributes of Globalization may lead to “ A single global culture” so called as world unified as one. This speculation emerged as the western culture and American culture ‘s influence on individuals become powerful and dominant. As we can see nowadays, the consumption of modern people seems unified. Everybody has unified consumption tendency.  Goes to Mcdonalds for lunch and drink coke, smoke Marlboro and watch Hollywood movie. This unification between cultures is one of the most conversational issues. The process of unification by werstern cultures made culture clash between other cultures like muslims.

 To understand the concept of globalization, it is necessary to check the new concept ‘Deterritorialization’.  Culture has been colligated with locality. When we think of particular culture, it is impossible to decouple the culture with local. This type of traditional idea of culture is facing change because of the new concept, deterritorialization. The relation btween culture and geographical territories have become weakened. The tiredness between culture and local has become weakened, but it is hard to say that the relation between culture and local has completely ended.

2.     Interesting points

Globalization is the current tendency of the times, and people who against globalization seemed behind the times to me before I read this article. Because i thought that following the global trend is the most important thing to operate community.  But I missed the point that globalization can lead to cultural imperialism. Losing locality and identity because of world’s rapid globalizing flow is a great danger to community who shares cultures. Cultural dilversity will disappear and it will result in extinction of individuality. And also there are problems due to increased connectivity. For example, one country's economic danger will directly impact on another country's economy. when America's stock market become bullish, the whole world's econmoy and stock market is in trouble. It may result in serious situation if economic crisis happens. Every country will  fall into series of economic problem.The other problem is monopolizing business and complete dominant cultural flow. this will make world superlatively  simple. And if the completely monopolized company emerges, it will dominate the business and result in collapse of  small scale enterprise and venture companys and workers will receive unjust treatment.
    3. Discussions

  Globalization is global phenomenon and it is almost  important to resist global flow. But following the spirit of times blindly may lead to catastrophe. In this situation, which degree of globalization will be ideal to cope with global trend?
And i think the most critical problem caused by globalization is that the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger. These days, as the globalization process is rapid, the main agents of economic acitivity has been changed. At the past, the main agents of economic activity was local company and workers. But local companies and workers has been changed into multinational corporations and leading enterprises. As globalization grows, multinational corporations will lead the economy and local companies will disappear by falling behind in the competition. At this point, is it a rational choice for country to let this situation happen? or State interference is needed in economy to protect local companies and workers.

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