Monday, November 13, 2017

W10 Political Globalization / 2012046537 Hyunwoo Shin

Aspects of political globalization can be categorized in three definitive forms. They are, the universalization of democracy structure inherent in democratic countries all around the world, global normative culture such as International Non-Governmental Organizations, and civil societalization.
First, universalization of democracy in different countries can simply be defined as geopolitics of global power. As, democracy develops and internationalization gets processed around the world, ideas and capitals move around the world so quickly, that the interrelation between democratic nations has got so important. This series of phenomenon have pushed nations to be more competitive in international economy and politics more than ever. In other words, the author states that ‘the nation-state is an important vehicle for political autonomy, via sovereignty of peoplehood, and democracy is an important badge of membership in a world community of nation-states.’ Also, as different forms of communities form, people might think that it is now the downturn of nation-state and the rise of post-statist world. However, when you see the current society carefully, it rather a coexistence of both. Nowadays, it is impossible for a nation to be independent, whereas, firms and agencies gets even more independent beyond the barrier of a nation.
Second, global normative culture. As globalization processes all around the world, there has been a common discourses among all the parts. Thanks to the development of communication and transformation, global normative culture are not confined to certain geographical area anymore, like geopolitics. Examples of global normative culture can be interest in human rights or environmental concerns, since it is not problems that only a certain people in geographical area have. Nowadays, there are (INGOs) International Non-Governmental Organizations that handle these problems, such as Green Peace, UNICEF, WWF .etc, having much influence among nation-states. Thus, it means that political struggles and legitimation are ever more connected in this globalization era.
Third, polycentric civil societalization. Nowadays, with the latest communication technologies with internet, everyone can participate in discussions and get sophisticated informations of any topics. These global civil societies are not limited in one space but scattered around. In which, people of all parts of the world share same political interests through internet. Also, these are globally organized through loosely structured horizontal coalitions and networks of activists. However, this kind of community which exercises their own power with political stances also have some dilemmas, such as laking accountability, democratic credentials and self-appointed spokesperson for the causes they espouse.
Overall, all of aspects in political globalization, processes along with the development of technologies in transportation and communications. These developments affects the flow of information therefore, in politics too. Having same governing system makes nation-states easier for them to communicate with each other and have normative cultures and concerns. Firm or organization in a ceratin geographical region can get more power internationally than the originated country. International organizations which deal with moral problems around humans living in earth gets more power as people are more awakened by moral influence of multiple sources. Lastly, people living in different countries can gather up in imaginary space such as internet and influence with their thoughts.
Interesting points or unusual point I learned
One interesting point that I have learned through this reading is that, the emergence of new structured forms influence groups does not mean the down turn for the old systemic structures such as governments. This means that, the public influence over citizens by government does not vanish as a result, but gradually fade away. Therefore, the government should compete with new political entities such as INGOs, polycentric civil societies, and firms and corporations.
Discussion point
I personally have concerns for the polycentric civil societalization. In other words, it is relatively newer form of political entity which have sufficient power, but not stable yet. Since it is not based on certain geographical region, there are no intimacy among members in this kind of entity. Therefore, this entity could lack maturity and moral sense. I guess this kind of political entity could be really dangerous if members of this kind of entities have twisted view of morality.

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