Sunday, December 10, 2017

W14. Economic Globalization/ Hyuck chun Park

1. Summary
The most important key point in economic globalization is TNC. Despite various political views, this has existed in a variety of national boundaries beyond the wide range of national boundaries. This document covers five issues mainly.
(1)The scale and geographical distribution of TNCs in the global economy
In the 15th century, India's entry into India was its origin, but in fact, the majority of companies in the world are moving abroad after World War I. The TNCs are seeing various benefits through FDI, and the reason why the company is doing so is based on the results of the MARKET and the ASSET survey. It is also talking about the importance of human capital in modern society.
(2)Why and how corporations engage in transnational activities
Transnational firms typically proceed transnational activities in two different ways. First 'Greenfield'. It is the effort of transnational corporations to create new facilities and create new facilities. Second, 'Corporate merger'. It prefers to benefit by merging. Companies in the United States or UK generally choose this.
(3) The geographical embeddedness of transnational corporations
The geographic location of the TNCs is necessarily the most important part of the role, but it is characterized by the geographic characteristics of geographic characteristics and the need to recognize differences in institutions and cultures due to geographical boundaries.
The company's distribution and consumption processes are very complex, and should be aware of the fundamentals of the company as well as knowing the nature of the industry. Despite these developments, the development of the TNC is very complex and the problem of TNC is very complex and dynamic.
(5) the power relationships between TNCs and other actors in the global economy.
Other factors affecting TNC are also in addition. For example, states·local communities·labour·consumers·civil society organizations
2. Interesting points.
I am intrigued by the direction of TNC's orientation among various activities. Compared to the activities traditionally practiced in Europe, the interest in countries such as China, Japan, and Russia has become huge, attracting interest in the interests of nations, such as China and Russia. I have watched nations grow to be growing up in the future, and I wonder how much growth will grow and lead to future growth.
3. Discussion points
Depending on the changes in the TNCs ' changes, we will need to look at the interests associated with each superficial approach, just outside the superficial and one-dimensional approaches. Let's worry about what might cause the impact.

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Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

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