Wednesday, December 20, 2017

w.14 Economic Globalization / Sangbae lee

W14. Economic Globalization_Sangbae lee

1. Summarize
Economic globalisation is synonymous with the cross-border division of labour. Today, no country produces solely to satisfy its own needs, but instead also for producers and consumers in other countries. And each country makes what it knows best, relatively speaking.
The world is advancing. As globalization and informatization accelerate, the life of human is becoming rich. Plane enable us to travel all around the world, and we can enjoy various cultural lifes from phone call to internet by smart phone. However, shade exists. A developing country which cannot follow this rapid advance is the most representative case. Contrary to advanced country which leads a full life, developing country has a matter of life and death called 'The third world problem.', including famine, war, poverty, and AIDS. The gap between the rich and poor occurring worldwide is in a grave situation. The failure of policy caused by limitation of capital leads to failure of following advanced country's advancement. This implies that self-reliance of developing country is hard, and means that sharing of wealth from advanced country is ardent in other standpoint.

2. Interesting point

Although sharing of wealth is welcoming suggestion for developing country, it could be unsatisfactory in situation of advanced country. It is because that is thought to be nothing beneficial for their own country. However, what if most global problems could be solved by sharing wealth? Take famine, for example. In 1984, Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) estimated that Earth can support about 12 billion people calculating then agricultural productivity. However, as wealth being biased to advanced country, on the contrary to Africa which 36% of population is exposed to starvation in defenseless state, mass food disposal is outbreaking in wealthy countries. If wealthy nations share their wealth to developing countries, their residents could guarantee their minimum rights to live. Other social problems could be solved in similar ways.
Sharing of wealth leads to different results by the way it is made. This can explain same bulk of material aid gives big help in some countries, but not in all places. Continuous aids, not temporary aids, could create mutual synergy affect. As a proverb, ‘Too much is as bad as too little.’, and excessive aids could lead to unnecessary dependence of beneficiary country to aid country. Therefore, sharing should be limited in optimum level. The range in basis of self-reliance is the most appropriate. If and aid of program that helps beneficiary country to seek for independence from aid country is combined, it could be more effective than giving only material aid. The thing is that aid should exist only in way of helping self-reliance and rehabilitation.

3. Discussion

The gap between the rich and poor has been expanding to problem of earth community as economical globalization. In other words, effort of one country can't solve the problem. In modern society, appropriate sharing of wealth is the key that can narrow the gap, promote the balanced advancement of world and solve the global problems. We are living in global age now. It is desirable to look world in 'global perspective,' which mans not seeking only for their own interests, but considering the entire world. To live together, sharing of wealth is required. Not only that, if we want to live together in a good way, what else more should we do? or which way is the best? and how?

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