Wednesday, September 27, 2017

W3. What is Globaliztion? /Hyunwoo Shin

1. Summarize in your own words of materials you read

As the author imply from the following quotation, “many books and articles purporting to be talking about globalization indicate at the outset that there is no accepted definition of globalization but that the author or authors are about to provide one.”(Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White) there is no specific definition for a word globalization. However, many authors and scholars have their own term for globalization. This indicates that such a process, as globalization, happens in such a variety of fields and situations and it can be simply divided into 3 different perspectives, such as cultural, political, and economic.
First, cultural aspect of globalization can be found most often as we can see it happens everywhere in everyday life. Most significant example for this could be well known world wide franchise restaurants and cafes, like Mc. Donalds, and Starbuks. Such franchises could expand itself through world, because people’s tastes around the world get unified. Moreover, globalization is not only sharing food taste, but also sharing any kind of behaviors or thoughts. Therefore, it can be called ‘cultural hogenization’ because, cultures in different places in the world mixes up together as a result of globalization. Considering the size of the cultural influence, Western cultures, especially America, has been the biggest, thanks to the leading scientific and technical development among nations. Thus, it is often called ‘Westernization’, or ‘Americanization.’
Second, political aspect of globalization can be explained by international organizations for any sharing purpose. Such purpose can be any kind of issues including, economic, social, military, or environmental. When multiple countries share same issues, they have to share each others ideas to get to one decision. In this process, different ideas get unified even if participant countries are geographically far apart. Such examples of international organizations can be IMF, NATO, WTO, Amnesty International, and Green Peace.
Finally, in economic aspect of globalization, as nations trade for their international profit, influences are displayed to each other. As industries gets bigger in size in every countries, they have to trade with other nations in order to earn more profit. Such economic interaction can be out of trade, and investment actions. However, in this interaction, the nation with more money can overpower the other with its capital.
Overall, as technology develops internationally, nations can influence others in order to communicate or make profit out of each other. This can be done thanks to the development of communication and transportation. There are many scholars who predict the mankind’s future, giving us many different theoretical outcomes. However, there is only one path for the world of ours can take. Therefore, people should be cautious while the changes occur.

2. mention any new, interesting or unusual items learned
I found that there can be economic or political globalization other than cultural globalization. I think that cultural globalization is most salient because it is the most dynamic transaction. Also, cultural globalization is the most pure form of human interaction than other ones. It is because either political or economic globalization can influence other for a group’s interest.

3. Identify at least one question, concern, discussion angle
I think that the first thing that we should think about is that if everything is going to the right place. Before the new media, transporting product or transmitting messages were slow enough that people can manage the change in their ordinary life. However, the changes are so fast that there are new things constantly coming out even before the earlier get evaluated by society and scholars. Therefore how should we systemize ourself and censor each other before media works as threats to us.

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Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

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