In articles author is explaining about
political globalization. Author said previous globalization which is explained
other people leads loss of autonomy and fragmentation of the social world. At
the same time, the author introduced a new form of globalization which is
called Political globalization. political globalization can be understood as
atension between three processes which interact to produce the complex field of
global politics: global geopolitics, global normative culture and polycentric
First of three dimension of political
globalization is the geopolitics of global power. one of the most pervasive
forms of political globalization is the worldwide spread of democracy based on
the parliamentary nationstate. Because Democratic government exists in some
form in most parts of the world. The globalization of democratic politics has
been the basis of the so-called ‘new world order’ that has been associated with
the bid for worldwide supremacy.
Second dimension in political globalization,
Global normative culture provides a normative reference to the nations and
direction to political actors. To support this concept, the author explained
the civil society. In terms of global, it is a new space that goes beyond the
state and is a government inter-party area that is irrelevant to international
capitalism. Specially as a global civil society, it has a lot of space, not a
single space. It is multI-generational and is not based on a single principle
of organization.
In this global civil society, States
continue to be powerful actors but exist in a more globally connected world
that they do not fully control. States have to share sovereignty with other
global players. In the context of the growing influence of civil society, the
argument is that the nation-state must share sovereignty with non-governmental
actors, leading to multi-governance. And then A distinction needs to be made
between states and nation-states.. In this context, Decoupling is occuredin nationalities
and civil rights. Next these decoupling make domestic and international laws
blurred. So Public areas can now be called global public areas. In local
noramative culture,the public was used as a political site and could serve as a
leading role in forming political communications. But now in global normative
culture, It is spread in many different ways and is performed by many different
kinds of social agents, including the state.
Finally polycentric networks also is
dimension of political globalization. The author argue that the image of a
‘borderless world’ has long been associated with thinking about globalization.
The power of global
processes to transcend national borders,
annihilate distance and unite through global catastrophe has provided the
globalization literature with a range of powerful metaphors like global
village, world polity, fragile earth.
rescaling of politics as a consequence of globalization has caused a major
reassessment of the role and meaning of borders and spaces in the construction
of polities. The idea of a spatial turn denotes an increasing interest in the
processes by which social space is constructed and the way space is
constitutive of social and political relations, not merely the pre-given
environment within which social conflicts, institutionalization, governance and
social transformations are played out. Beck said that the relationship between
spaces and borders is central to understanding political globalization.
globe can be experienced as a single political space which can be the focus of
political attachments and identities, communities of interest, and can form a
sphere of action.
In short, in this context polycentric
networks, and in particular the development of global civil society, create new
opportunities for autonomy and the recognition of a range of new actors and new
modes of governance.
2. Interesting Point
this article I was interested in several points. Most interesting point of
several points is view of global geopolitics. It was interesting to see
globalization in terms of global geopolitics. Actually, I didn’t know definitely
what is geopolitics definitely. In articles Democracy is spread in world wide
because Democracy is most pervasive ideologie. And I can easily understand that
contents But and then Author said US can not be ablt to establish global supremacy.
In this point, It was hard to accept author’s opinion. Because I think US already
have global supremacy as a leader of democracy. After reading it, it was
understandable, but it was interesting because of the content of the U.S.
3. Discussion Point
Discussion point what I think is validity of global
normative culture. Author
said that decoupling of nationality and citizenship and also said decoupling led
to a blurring
of the boundary between national and international law. But I think it can’t be
easy to be blurred
between them. Because one country is very complex, such as scenery, economy,
society, and culture. For example, the nation's economic markets and the U.S.
economic markets are incomparably different.
In layman's terms, the law applies differently depending on age. It is a leap forward that all countriesoperate in a single law because of the continuing process of globalization.
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