Sunday, November 12, 2017

W10. Political Globalization/ Heo Yoonjae

1. Summary
Political globalization can be understood as tension between three interactive processes: global geographic, global normative culture and polycentric networks.
First process of political globalization is global geographic. Countries around the world establish political foundation based on democracy but progressed in their own political culture. Democratic politics is the based of so called “New World Order”. The United State of America became the supremacy around the world but they can be the dominance of the world, because they will keep challenged by many centre of the world, like democracy. It mean, global geographic can be understood as the geopolitics of global power.
The second is the rise of a global normative culture. The core of global normative culture is represented as the human rights, which is on the centre of a global cosmopolitanism but also including multinational environmental concerns. This dimension is no longer problems in each country’s own boundary, it across around borders. It provides normative reference points for states and an orientation for political actors. John Meyer’s article claims that global culture provides a frame of reference for all societies. It refers that political struggles and legitimations are more interactive with global issues, in counterpublic as well as states will be shaped by it.
Last one is poly-centric networks. It is relatively less related to states and which is not reducible to global normative culture. It is deterritorialization of politics which emerge from a multiplicity of sites and which cannot be reduced to a single centre. Poly-centric networks are closely relative with emanate idea of global governance. These allow us to talk about the global political order in relation to the concept of global civil society.
Political globalization can be examined through four cases: the transformation of nationality and citizenship/the public sphere and political communication, the centrality of civil society, and the transformation of space and borders.
First one is the transformation of nationality and citizenship. In the flow of globalization, the government in nation-state was becoming more powerful doer but they never control everything perfectly. It means it is less easily defined in terms of territory or of political community. So they try to more flexible in responding to globalization. In a nut shell, nationality and citizenship is in decoupling process. The political community no longer exercise sovereignty over the state and the state lost most of their sovereignty.
Second, the transformation of the public sphere and communication, it means the concept of the communication about politics is no longer based on each nation’s own boundary but they are central to global. Back then politics are about communication in national public sphere. But now the new public sphere has moved into a wider view of the public sphere as cosmopolitan and global public spheres constituted by global civil society and cosmopolitan trends. It is represented by the entrance of a global public discourse, which is less a spatial than a manifestation of discourse.
The third case is the centrality of civil society. Civil society’s societalization means the making of common things of political forms at the regional, global, national and transnational levels. Civil society treat the contradictory trends of globalization with dealing with a broad global political issues. This tendency incline to centralization of global civil society. And global civil society is not only the combine of each existing national society.

Last one is the transformation of space and borders. The power of globalization destroy the concept of space and borders. For now, the space is not only just existing but a component of society and political relations. And through the globalization, the border-less world is become realization.
2. Interesting points
For now, we cannot be realized as a members of a small society (like each national/state society). Our thoughts and actions should not be end in a microscopic dimension, as the global citizen, we must be thought of in a larger concept. It is interesting that Globalization has conquered such as space and borders, but on the other hand, they make our lives more complexly such as global political issues.
3. Discussion points
Let’s think about county like North Korea. Their citizens are closed to global by the state. They take for granted selfish policy for their own country. If North Korea is suddenly perished, then the citizens suddenly be exposed global society too. We were able to adapt naturally to global society and we can understand that our policy and public opinion are not merely for us but nationally, but they -North Korean citizen- were not. Can they suddenly make their actions or thoughts global? Not nationally selfish?

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