Sunday, November 12, 2017

W10 Political Globalization_Lee Da kyeong

Political Globalization

Information Sociology
Lee Da kyeong

1. Summary

Political globalization is an approach to the social world that emphasizes de-nationalism. The forces of the world have created other kinds of politics, such as the decline of the nation state and the development of a multinational network. On the contrary, there was a process of re-territorialization and territorialization out of territory. The political globalization process is a possibility of liberation for somebody, but it loses autonomy for somebody. Political globalization can be thought of as the tension between the three processes that interact to produce a complex political field.
The first context of political globalization is global geopolitics. Democracies in many parts of the world now have different forms.
The second is the world normative culture. This means political communication, including human rights and other environmental issues. Due to the globalization of communication and popular culture, political communication has changed globally.
These changes are due to multinational networks and are related to global governance. At present, the concept of civil society is controversial, but civil society has a political influence on the state and the market. It is organized around the world including NGOs and engages in social movements. Civil society exists not in one space but in various spaces. These three aspects are not independent of each other, but are closely related.
The country is still powerful, but the world is connected and there is no full control. Some scholars think the state is being absorbed into the world market. The nation-state will not disappear, but it is weakening functionally. The nation is changing in response to globalization. The separation of nationality and citizenship has been influenced by culture and the boundaries between domestic and international law have dimmed. Rather, integration can be seen as a delay in the emergence of a new nationalist movement.

2. Interesting Point

As globalization progressed, politics became globalized. Politics followed the flow of the world. Now the state can not exist only as a state, but the power of the state is weakening. This part was very interesting. As some scholars have argued, countries are being absorbed into the global market. I can not deny this point. As the world market flows and changes, the state must go according to the flow.

3. Discuss Point

So, who changes the flow of this global market? It is true that the state follows the flow of the world, but is it not the state that makes such a flow of the world? I would like to discuss this point.

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