Sunday, September 24, 2017

W3. What is globalization? Ji-hyun Lim

"What is globalization?"
2015048922 Ji-hyun Lim

Aftrer I read this text, I can know explicitly about 'What is globalization?'. I was already know about several words about 'Globalization'(ex. global village, fusion culture and so on). Simply, Globalization means that many countries interact with various countries, including politics, economics, society, culture, and science. Globalization has two characteristics. First, globalization is seen as general because it can be found in all parts of the world. And globalization is concrete because there are unique features in the process.
Today, there are various viewpoints about defining globalization. Scholars have different definitions about globalization. But many scholars describe globalization as a diverse and complicated in common(not a single process) because globalization is caused by various factors.
The development of technology has influenced globalization. Many places of our world can interact with other places directly thanks to the development of technology. Globalization makes our world an integrated regions which were independent things originally. Then, many problems can no longer be their own, they can be a problem for everyone. Due to interaction, today, specific activities in a nation exercise an influence to other. I can refer to the United Nations(UN) as a representative example. The globalization of the United Nations(UN) takes place in terms of politics, individuals, and humanity in terms of cultural, social, political, and economic aspects.
Currently, many companies are making inroads into other countries for globalization. What these businesses currently care about is localization. they want to maximize marketing effects through localization. Nike and McDonald's(What I introduced on extra post) are representative examples. Global companies such as McDonald's and Nike are focusing on local situations. That means it is a combination of globalzation and localization. I think this example is glocalization.
I can simply characterize the globalization through this text. Globalization is a process of global connection through complication and acceleration. This means not only the integration of simple physical spaces, but also the exchange of various parts of our lives. Such as economy, politics, culture and society can be included in factors of globalization. Here, the artist treats economic, cultural and political globalization on an equal level. Also, social globalization is important to treat equally these typical globalizations.
For example, we can feel that cultural globalization affect to our everyday life intuitionally. We are using unconsciously what is not our tradition. On the other hand, political or economic globalization can be felt alienated relatively. However, many of our cultural elements came from the political position of the state or from the economic power.

2. New, interesting or unusual items I learned

I thought that globalization is an abstract and unconscious concept before reading this text. But in this article, I was able to know more about globalization. Particularly, it was agreed that globalization is proceeding in four phases. Moreover, these four phases do not exist independently but are effected with each other. Globalization is not static, it changes every moment. In Korean idioms, there is the expression 'something is happening on the other side of the world'. As this idiom, the opposite country and culture in the world has a great impact on our daily lives. For example, Korea has received financial relief from the IMF in 1997. If globalization had not progressed, the financial crisis in Korea might not have come. But contradictory, it was able to overcome the financial crisis through globalization. Therefore, as the author said, globalization should be accepted critically and synthetically, not blindly accepted. This has become very important in modern society.

3. Discussion point

In fact, globalization certainly has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the writer mentioned that critical and comprehensive acceptance is necessary. I especially like to introduce negative points to globalization through discussion. In the past, economic globalization among the various aspects of globalization has hurt the Korean economy. Korea has extreme shortages of foreign currencies due to inadequate economic opening, resulting in a national crisis of loans from the IMF. As a result, many people were dismissed due to the restructuring of Korea at the time, It causes serious social problems such as suicide. Globalization is an inevitable flow. How can we accept this flow and use it appropriately in our daily lives? How can we not repeat the mistakes of the past?

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