Wednesday, September 27, 2017

W3. What is Globaliztion? /Hyunwoo Shin

1. Summarize in your own words of materials you read

As the author imply from the following quotation, “many books and articles purporting to be talking about globalization indicate at the outset that there is no accepted definition of globalization but that the author or authors are about to provide one.”(Roland Robertson and Kathleen E. White) there is no specific definition for a word globalization. However, many authors and scholars have their own term for globalization. This indicates that such a process, as globalization, happens in such a variety of fields and situations and it can be simply divided into 3 different perspectives, such as cultural, political, and economic.
First, cultural aspect of globalization can be found most often as we can see it happens everywhere in everyday life. Most significant example for this could be well known world wide franchise restaurants and cafes, like Mc. Donalds, and Starbuks. Such franchises could expand itself through world, because people’s tastes around the world get unified. Moreover, globalization is not only sharing food taste, but also sharing any kind of behaviors or thoughts. Therefore, it can be called ‘cultural hogenization’ because, cultures in different places in the world mixes up together as a result of globalization. Considering the size of the cultural influence, Western cultures, especially America, has been the biggest, thanks to the leading scientific and technical development among nations. Thus, it is often called ‘Westernization’, or ‘Americanization.’
Second, political aspect of globalization can be explained by international organizations for any sharing purpose. Such purpose can be any kind of issues including, economic, social, military, or environmental. When multiple countries share same issues, they have to share each others ideas to get to one decision. In this process, different ideas get unified even if participant countries are geographically far apart. Such examples of international organizations can be IMF, NATO, WTO, Amnesty International, and Green Peace.
Finally, in economic aspect of globalization, as nations trade for their international profit, influences are displayed to each other. As industries gets bigger in size in every countries, they have to trade with other nations in order to earn more profit. Such economic interaction can be out of trade, and investment actions. However, in this interaction, the nation with more money can overpower the other with its capital.
Overall, as technology develops internationally, nations can influence others in order to communicate or make profit out of each other. This can be done thanks to the development of communication and transportation. There are many scholars who predict the mankind’s future, giving us many different theoretical outcomes. However, there is only one path for the world of ours can take. Therefore, people should be cautious while the changes occur.

2. mention any new, interesting or unusual items learned
I found that there can be economic or political globalization other than cultural globalization. I think that cultural globalization is most salient because it is the most dynamic transaction. Also, cultural globalization is the most pure form of human interaction than other ones. It is because either political or economic globalization can influence other for a group’s interest.

3. Identify at least one question, concern, discussion angle
I think that the first thing that we should think about is that if everything is going to the right place. Before the new media, transporting product or transmitting messages were slow enough that people can manage the change in their ordinary life. However, the changes are so fast that there are new things constantly coming out even before the earlier get evaluated by society and scholars. Therefore how should we systemize ourself and censor each other before media works as threats to us.

Monday, September 25, 2017

W3. What is globalization? Younghokim

2011044895 Youngho Kim

1. Summary
Before I read this article I think globalization is just exchange with other country people from the development of transportation. However, from reading the posts. I think globalization is comprehensive process in many culture and society. In this article, globalization is multidimensional and interconnected organization of space and time across national borders. Also, writer refers to polticial globalization which is declaiming national border.

After reading, I concerned globalization with my assignment topic. My assignment topic is Fusion culture in South Korea. In my opinions, Fusion culture is process which combines one culture with other culture in the globalization. Without globalization, I think fusion culture will be not existed. So I will associate with fusion culture with globalization

3. Discussions
I want to talk about globalization in everyday life. Korea was developed very fast. So we don't think seriously about globalization in Korea. so I want to talk about Globalization in everyday life.

W3. What is globalization? Sungmin Shin

What Is Globalization?

1. Summary

Globalization is hard to defined as just one phenomenon. There are a lot of subordinated concept under this big global phenomenon. So it could be hard to define 'What is Globalization?' within simply one sentence. And it is other scholar speakers' opinion as well. Then how can we figure out globalization has been spread so far?
 To know about that, many people had used political scientists, international relations specialists and economists as the defining feature of globalization. The reason why people use these features is the facts that many people had been talking that there are three major dimensions of such: the economic, the political, the cultural and human life-namely. But these things are not perfect to predict or see exactly what globalization is or where it is going to go on. It is true global movement is moved by many factors. but we can not say which factors have more power to move it.
 Then what shape it has? The author thinks it is hard to make it as one form or fixed notion. Because globalization is very changeable. Globalization should not be defined simply.

2. Interesting Content

 The most interesting part was globalization has dimension. Of course I have known globalization should not be one dimensional but I could not think there is human life dimension. I think I have overlooked society even though I am majoring Information Sociology. I thought globalization is real big part that each individuals can't reach. It was most interesting part when I read this article.

3. Discussion

 I feel I can't get answer what i want about the question 'What is Globalization', even though I read this article. So I want to discuss how people think globalization and whether these thoughts are involved in notion of globalization author said. And I want to know how these are connected with author's opinion

W3. What is the globalization?/MingyeongJoo(주민경)

1. Summary

 The category of globalization is so broad that it can be linked to anything around the world.  It involves goods and services, and the economic resources of capital, technology and data. There are many conflicts and problems about that elements of the globalization.  Among them, material resources are the most severe. Also, there are various dimensions of globalization.   It can here be stipulated that the major dimensions of globalization are indeed the cultural, the social, the political and the economic.
 Globalization has been developed and localized. What has not been applied by various factors has enabled the personality to be saved according to the characteristics of the area. Globalization has evolved into a form with unique characteristics for each region. It is called Glocalization. Although globalization is elaborated in this way, a more accurate and detailed system of globalization theory is still needed.

2. Interesting contents

 Economic dimension of globalization was the first and the most active. It causes many social problems around the world. Globalization is not a good thing. Many resources are rare.  Most countries regarded as they can develop their competitiveness by themselves However, globalization ruined it arbitrary. Globalization causes the great powers to exploit the weak countries. So, the dark side of this globalization is very interesting to me.

3. Discussion

 How can developing countries evolve themselves from the exploitation in the flow of globalization?

W3. What is globalization? Gwanyoung Park.

What is globalization?

1. Summary
   The term 'Globalization' is told differently to every scholars. The latest term that I know so far is spoken by Robertson and White. They said the term 'Globalization' consists primarily of two major directional tendencies, increasing global connectivity and increasing global consciousness.
   Globalization is generally recognized three dimensions, which are cultural, political, and economic. The most significant characteristic of cultural dimension is the transmission of and values spread all around world because of the development of internet. Therefore, even we are living in Korea we are affected by some foreign concepts such as westernization and americanization. In the political dimension, we can give some political infrastructure of global governance. The global NGOs like UN, OECD, and IMF are the examples of this concept. In the economic dimension, nowadays, we can easily see that most of corporations are competing with other corporations from other nations. Those are the main concept of globalization.

2. Interesting or unusual items that I learned
   It was interesting that globalization also affects some part of politics. I thought that politics is applied to only domestic issues or issues between two countries. However, what I learned is it is also international. As the role of global NGOs are getting important, politics issues becoming global issues. I have never thought about this political side. So it was very interesting to know

3. Discuss point
   The world is getting smaller and being together nowadays. However, there is a part of an earth which is called 'North Korea' still deny the globalization. (North Korea is not even a country as the constitution of South Korea say.) Someday when Korea peninsula get united, North Korea will face the new world. I am curious when the day comes, North Korea can be accustomed to globalization? Or they cannot follow the trend of globalization?

what is globalization? Kim Byung Chan

 What is globalization? I usually say that the development of transportation technology frees the movement between countries. However, globalization has various perspectives. ‘Velho’ said globalization is the direction in which the world moves as a whole. I think it is different from now situation. Many countries that have led globalization have stopped globalization. In Europe, Britain exit the European Union(EU) through ‘Brexit’. The 'Marine Le Pen' of 'FN' which is France’s political party also claimed to exit the EU, And that claim was supported by many french. We call it frexit. As Donald Trump became president, The United States became more important to America than globalization, too. Similarly, it was mentioned right behind. The direction of globalization that I mentioned is for the benefit of the powerful countries. However, the globalization of this article occurred to resolve the economic inequalities of the relative week countries. Globalization is not always the same for all countries. The direction of globalization can always be changed like the anti-globalization(Brexit, frexit). But I think that the direction of globalization always seems to be determined by the powerful countries.
In this article, "MacDonaldization" was mentioned, but I did not know it and I searched it. Modern society regards rationalization as important. MacDonald was able to spread ‘MacDonaldization' because it had elements appropriate to this society. The first factor is efficiency. The reason we go to Macdonald is to end hunger. In Macdonald, You don’t have to make unnecessary human relationships to eat. And because the menu is limited, you do not have to worry. Also, you don’t have to wait long. It is a very efficient restaurant.
The second factor is calculability. Amount of Macdonald’s food can be calculated from the name. For example, big mac, large fries, double cheese whopper. Naturally, we think it is profitable to get food a lot at the same price. So Macdonald emphasizes quantity rather than quality. This allows us to think calculatively.
The third factor is predictability. All Macdonald's food and services are standardized in each countries. We can expect to eat the same flavor and the same size of food anywhere in each countries. Also, because the services of the employees are standardized, it is expected that they can be received any service regardless of race, sex, age, and so on.
Because of these factors, Macdonald could be globalized. I think this approach is right in modern society that emphasizes rationalization. But I think these factors are insufficient to explain Macdonald's globalization. Macdonald kept the basic menu, but changed the way it made foods according to culture. It changed food according to each countries and cultures, So it became a localization. Considering this, I think Macdonald's name is globalized, but does not have any power.
The main aspects of globalization are the cultural, social, political, and economic aspects, And all of which are important. I agree with this. If one of these is lacking, there will be cultural, social, political and economic sacrifices in each country, and the sacrifice will not be complete, but nations will not naturally participate in globalization.
I think globalization is difficult to succeed, and what happens afterwards is important. As glocalization part of the article, and as I said earlier, globalization does not change into one place, the direction of world. In the world, and therefore a world that is globalized in that sense is an impossible world. We can approach this part through the concept of glocalization, a good example of which is Macdonald I said earlier.
There are many ways in which we try to characterize globalization. One of them consists of two directional trends that increase global connectivity and increase global consciousness. In Korea, also, we can know making efforts for globalization in education. We have been studying globalization since elementary school, and we are trying to learn the history of countries around the world and to understand their thoughts. We also communicate with the world through various activities such as pen pal and UNICEF. Through these activities, we develop the ability to think and discuss globalization. This would be the same in other countries.
I think globalization has already advanced a lot. Transportation and communication technologies have already made us globalization and are developing further. Language is also solving the countries’ gap through various technologies like applications or books, translator. But globalization in the future may look like another. As always, I think we must learn and learn about globalization because we have to anticipate and prepare for what societal society will be.

Sunday, September 24, 2017

W3. What is globalization? Ji-hyun Lim

"What is globalization?"
2015048922 Ji-hyun Lim

Aftrer I read this text, I can know explicitly about 'What is globalization?'. I was already know about several words about 'Globalization'(ex. global village, fusion culture and so on). Simply, Globalization means that many countries interact with various countries, including politics, economics, society, culture, and science. Globalization has two characteristics. First, globalization is seen as general because it can be found in all parts of the world. And globalization is concrete because there are unique features in the process.
Today, there are various viewpoints about defining globalization. Scholars have different definitions about globalization. But many scholars describe globalization as a diverse and complicated in common(not a single process) because globalization is caused by various factors.
The development of technology has influenced globalization. Many places of our world can interact with other places directly thanks to the development of technology. Globalization makes our world an integrated regions which were independent things originally. Then, many problems can no longer be their own, they can be a problem for everyone. Due to interaction, today, specific activities in a nation exercise an influence to other. I can refer to the United Nations(UN) as a representative example. The globalization of the United Nations(UN) takes place in terms of politics, individuals, and humanity in terms of cultural, social, political, and economic aspects.
Currently, many companies are making inroads into other countries for globalization. What these businesses currently care about is localization. they want to maximize marketing effects through localization. Nike and McDonald's(What I introduced on extra post) are representative examples. Global companies such as McDonald's and Nike are focusing on local situations. That means it is a combination of globalzation and localization. I think this example is glocalization.
I can simply characterize the globalization through this text. Globalization is a process of global connection through complication and acceleration. This means not only the integration of simple physical spaces, but also the exchange of various parts of our lives. Such as economy, politics, culture and society can be included in factors of globalization. Here, the artist treats economic, cultural and political globalization on an equal level. Also, social globalization is important to treat equally these typical globalizations.
For example, we can feel that cultural globalization affect to our everyday life intuitionally. We are using unconsciously what is not our tradition. On the other hand, political or economic globalization can be felt alienated relatively. However, many of our cultural elements came from the political position of the state or from the economic power.

2. New, interesting or unusual items I learned

I thought that globalization is an abstract and unconscious concept before reading this text. But in this article, I was able to know more about globalization. Particularly, it was agreed that globalization is proceeding in four phases. Moreover, these four phases do not exist independently but are effected with each other. Globalization is not static, it changes every moment. In Korean idioms, there is the expression 'something is happening on the other side of the world'. As this idiom, the opposite country and culture in the world has a great impact on our daily lives. For example, Korea has received financial relief from the IMF in 1997. If globalization had not progressed, the financial crisis in Korea might not have come. But contradictory, it was able to overcome the financial crisis through globalization. Therefore, as the author said, globalization should be accepted critically and synthetically, not blindly accepted. This has become very important in modern society.

3. Discussion point

In fact, globalization certainly has advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the writer mentioned that critical and comprehensive acceptance is necessary. I especially like to introduce negative points to globalization through discussion. In the past, economic globalization among the various aspects of globalization has hurt the Korean economy. Korea has extreme shortages of foreign currencies due to inadequate economic opening, resulting in a national crisis of loans from the IMF. As a result, many people were dismissed due to the restructuring of Korea at the time, It causes serious social problems such as suicide. Globalization is an inevitable flow. How can we accept this flow and use it appropriately in our daily lives? How can we not repeat the mistakes of the past?

W3. What is globalization?/ Kang Ha Eun

Advertising and Public Relations
Kang Ha Eun

  According to google dictionary globaliztion is the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Indeed, globalization affects every nation around the world. So it is important to know what globalization is and what its meanings are, along with its pros and cons. Globalization has been started 5~6 hundred years ago(Wallerstein's point of view), but it began to eccelerate since the development of Internet. It can be devided by three dimentions; political, economic, and cultural. Though cultural part of globalization seems prominent in our daily lives, all three dimentions of globalization are equally important.
  The concept regarding relationship between global and local is called glocalization. It is thought as the opposite concept of globalization, but it is rather in a relationship of head and tail of a coin. It seems that the diffusion/glocalization constrain homogenizing force of globalization. However, as Ritzer says, globalization doesn't limit itself and it is an ongoing process.

  I haven't studied about globalization before this class, so I haven't thought about global franchise being a part of economical globalization. It is not just a global brand but the spread of consumption of goods. It seems homogenous but it is somehow adapted to the region it is located. For example, McDonald's have different menues in different countries
It was very interesting and made me think more about the meanings of globalization.

  From the article, I've learned that globalization is misunderstood as the cause of global problems. The conflicts over the material resourses are all over the world. It sometimes developes as a war. We cannot destribute the resourses equally to every countries around the world. So there is a international law. But the problem is that it cannot force countries to follow the law. What can be other option to restrict the behaviors of them?

W3. Extra blog post / posted by SoJeong Yeon (연소정)

Q. What are some of the major issues in world politics right now? 

  This week, we learned about the political globalization. During class, I debated this question with my partner. Also I thought about subtle differences of 'becoming an issue all over the world' and 'something to be globalized.' There were many opinions but I'll post blog about two major global issues among them.
Image from Goolge
   Firstly, opposition to immigration becomes an global issue. Today, by increasing interchange between countries, a large number of people emigrate to other country from their country. There are many reasons- for education or job seeking and because of natural disasters- that they immigrate. Some support the immigration policy, but others maintain that immigration needs to be limited. In such situations, opposition to immigration has become a significant political issue in many countries.

Image from Google(<-link)
     Specially, in the United States, opposition to immigration was one of President Donald Trump's campaign promises. This is still controversy issue now because the project effects social, economic costs. The opponent to immigration think that if other country people immigrate to their territory, it will be hard to get job(the job competition will be strong) and to receive education and social services. Also they oppose the immigration because of negative environmental impact from accelerated population growth, increased crime rates, and changes in traditional identities and values. In particular, in the United States, illegal immigration is a large issue.
   I think it is related to opposition to multiculturalism and racism. So this problem is the more sensitive issue. I also think the opposition to immigration is opposite to globalization flow that more and more people from other country communicate with each other and that multiculturalism become an important topic.

LGBT (Image from Google)

   Secondly, homosexuality and homosexual marriage become a global issue. Homosexuality has always been a controversial topic, but now is no longer an unacceptable behavior in some countries. These days, homosexuality doesn't seem as foreign as before. Many states in the U.S. have legalized homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Some countries in the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, still oppose to homosexuality because this is related to religious issues. But the homosexual movement is alive and thriving in Europe and other countries. This implies the spread of the consciousness that homosexuality is an acceptable alternative lifestyle, because all human are created equal and basic human rights should be respected.

W3. What is Globalization?

According to the author, there are various themes in the concept of globalization.
Examples include various topics such as global governance, global citizenship, and human rights.
The definition of this concept of globalization has many debates in academic perspective. The reason is that there are various views on this concept.
Velho has spoken of globalization as an object, a perspective and a horizon.
This view is Archimedean standpoint. This standpoint is possible to focus on specific targets in an objective manner. Velho himself argues that, from within the ‘community’ of scholars and observers of global processes, the world takes on a different complexion when viewed in global terms.
Finally, in the Velho paradigm, globalization may be understood as the direction in which the world considered as a whole is moving.
The study of globalization is characterized by severe confusion over disciplinary orientation and is causing controversy over this. The term " globalization " has been widely used since the collapse of communism. Topics in the concept of globalization are dealt with separately at first and are treated later
In the 1990s, globalization was developed by capitalist standards. As globalization grows on the basis of capitalism, Social factors and scientific elements have been greatly neglected in globalization. In contrast, unlike scholars’s study, globalization was done only in economic terms. The ongoing globalization was not ideological. At the same time, the world was becoming a single place. These changes have had a great deal of influence in the study. In particular, there has been a great deal of influence in the field of political science and anthropology. The idea of a single place in the world raises a huge question of social trends, which consider the fundamental and greatest unit of socialism to be social.
The author referred to the processes and parameters of globalization. The most important feature of globalization is that it increases connectivity. The parameters of globalization are related to global conflicts. The major global conflict should be based on ideology, but should focus more on the issue of civilization. Bush, the definition of globalization since the president's announcement is recognition to encompass the various burst onto the scene.
Immanuel Wallerstein watched globalization in three aspects.
First, and most obviously, there is what can, for
simplicity’s sake, be called the international-systemic aspect. Second, there is the aspect which covers the most general feature of global-human life. Third, there is another component which we have called individual selves.
The author also talked about glocalization concerning globalization. Glocalization means the form of diffusion in relation to the relationship between the region and the world. The concept of diffusion in sociology is that ideas and practices spread from one region to another. Globalization focuses on four aspects. It consists of four main aspects of human life : cultural, social, political and economic aspects.
Finally, the fact that we learn from this article suggests that the meaning of globalization varies greatly depending on the viewpoint.
2. Intersting Point.
The most interesting part is the cultural aspect of globalization. In particular, cultural imperialism was interesting. Because I didn’t study sociology. I am learning communication. I am used to learning about cultural imperialism in my department. So I looked more carefully. In communication aspect, Cultural imperialism could spread through the media. Through the media, the lifestyle of capitalist countries could spread to other countries. From this trend, I think Media is associated with connectivity which is written in the article. Also Globalization could be increase through spreading the lifestlyes. In article cultural imperialism is mentioned in conjunction with McDonald's and McDonaldization not directly related to cultural imperialism. At this point I realized another concept I had learned. It is similar to cultural imperialism, but it is slightly different. The main reason is that the two countries share the same interests in the major leagues, thus creating a culture of culture. The reason why culture spreads is that it is the cause of the transaction because the two countries share the same interests among the leaders of the two countries. I think McDonaldization comes from this point.
3. Discussion Point
This article show three aspects of globalization. Discussion point that I think is Is it right that economy is main factor of Globalization in 1990s. I think other viewpoints have had quite a big impact. In particular, I believe that economic views may have been influential. Still, there was a confrontation between the United States and Russia at the time. The United States advertised its culture through media. At that time, cultural globalization was achieved through cultural imperialism. It was also the era of media development, along with the spread of the Internet at the time. Therefore, rapid cultural globalization could accelerate faster. Finally I expect that there will be a lot of influence on globalization as well as economic aspects.

W3. What is Globalization?(jiwon park, 2013048967)


Globalization means exchanging and influencing in the fields of economics, culture and politics. In addition, globalization is a phenomenon that indirectly influences economics, culture and politics from direct governance through existing colonies after the Second World War. Moreover, this phenomenon tends to be stronger after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


Mention of any new, interesting

There are many international political influential institutions such as NATO, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASENAN and APEC.


Identify at least one question, concern, or discussion

Recently, in Europe, social problems such as immigration policy failure are highlighted, and terrorism accompanying it is also occurring frequently. Moreover, political parties that dominate their domestic priority principle are making progress all over the world. Then, what will globalization be like now?

W3. What is globalization?_Lee Dakyeong

What is Globalization?

1. Summarize
It is familiar with words of globalization, but this concept is not as simple as thought. Globalization is not a single process, but a complex process. Globalization is common in many parts of the world, and it is special because the process of globalization varies from country to country. Therefore, globalization is general and specific, and is ongoing.
The scholar Velho sees globalization as plural concept and defines globalization as object, perspective. Because globalization is complex, looking at a single point can be subjective and difficult. Globalization can be seen as the direction in which the world moves. Research on globalization is ongoing. Globalization is being studied in sociology, anthropology, and religion. After the collapse of the Berlin Wall, the term globalization began to spread widely. Countries with economically high status have become leaders. As a result, many people have come to see globalization from an economic point of view. However, globalization can be viewed from various perspectives, not just from the perspective of Economy. Recently, many scholars have become interested in the cultural aspects of globalization. A scholar, Ritzer, has learned that global companies are studying what goes into various countries and it is essential to adapt to the culture of that country.
The key of globalization is increasing connectivity and raising global awareness. It is also crucial that the World Organization is composed of a completed form and globalization is consist of a social, cultural and political aspects. It is necessary to have a more careful system for criticizing globalization.

2. New, interesting or unusual items I learned

In this article, we are talking about social, political, and cultural aspects is crucial as economic aspects of globalization. I think economical aspect is much more important than the social, political, and cultural aspects, but it is strange that this article says that everyone should be together.
 I think that economically powerful nations still have a lot of power. Therefore, I think that the process of analyzing globalization will also be influenced by the great powers. I doubt that economically superior countries will be superior in terms of culture. I thought that economically superior countries were superior in terms of social, political, and cultural aspects. However, when I saw this article, I thought that it might not be.
3. Discuss point

But my question is not completely resolved. It is because the economic side is the biggest part and everything is attributed to it. Therefore, I would like to discuss whether the political, social, and cultural aspects of globalization can be seen equal with an economic standpoint.

W3. What is globalization? Dong-June,Yoo

What is globalization?
Information Sociology
2012047886 Dong-June, Yoo

1. Summary

The writer says that it is both general and specific to answer the question: What is globalization?. It is general because globalization covers lots of criteria as well as opinions. Also, it is specific because we are concerned with the demarcation of the distinctive features of what has come to be called globalization. Many different topics are included under the rubric of globalization from small issues to large ones. There are many difficulties in defining globalization not only to many scholars but also in books and papers. The reason is that even though it is difficult to define individual problems, there are various opinions to define the problems of the whole world in a few words.
Velho approached the globalization as a single process: an object, a perspective and  a horizon. This, indeed, is one of the primary goals of the growing field of global education. Finally, in the Velho’s paradigm, globalization may be understood as the direction in which the world considered as a whole is moving together. So, the study and debate of globalization has been and still is being practiced actively around the whole world. Globalization was discussed by this explicit and obvious name in sociology and anthropology, as well as in religious studies long tome ago.  Once, there arose what was popularly called the anti-globalization movement, situated mainly but certainly not exclusively in Western societies.
Globalization means increasing interconnection all people around the whole world. This connection means that bonds between nations, individuals, every elements around the world are getting stronger. In our times, people separated in the long distance can communicate each other, talk, see and share their thoughts thanks to development of the Internet, high-technology like a mobile phone, and social network like Facebook, Twitter. Also, there are four major dimensions of globalization: the social, the economic, the political and the cultural. Mcdonaldization is a representative example of cultural globalization. These dimensions are heavily intertwined, one or two aspects being more prominent at any given time or place.
I learnes that Globalization refers to the phenomenon of capital, labor, commodity, service, technology, information, coordination across borders. Thus, exchanges between individuals and countries in the international community are increasing.

2. New, intersting or unusual items I learned

Glocalization is a newly coined word by the founder of Sony, a compound word of local and globalization, which means globalization and localization. The concept refers to the management of the nation's industrial environment while pursuing globalization as a whole. This means that it aims to localize regional and cultural activities to maximize synergy between globalization and localization.

Also, If we talk about the positive aspects of globalization, we need to start talking about the story of classical economists. Advocates of the free market argue that the increase in international trade between countries means increasing trade with comparative advantage and promoting global wealth by promoting mutual benefit among nations. It seems to be fair to say that global consumers can buy various goods in a wide variety of countries, and the producer can sell them in a wide range of markets worldwide, thereby enhancing global wealth. Some feel that the proliferation of political, social, and cultural interdependence will spread, deepening political, social and cultural interdependence worldwide.
Moreover, globalization has a positive impact on global issues such as environmental and human rights issues, and it is predicted that the global community will contribute greatly to the democratic development of the world, as well as the global community.
There are some objections to this. Classical economists claim that the market opens up worldwide, but there are academics who claim that it's totally fictional. In particular, the globalization is entirely advantageous to developed nations, and adverse effects on economic development (especially in the developed world) will affect the economic development of developing countries and produce a dependency on developed economies. Also, globalization increases disputes and conflicts by  dividing the world into distinct benefits and losses. For example, there is a significant burden on the nation's farmers and countries, including the risk of developing agricultural markets, and including the risk of massive influx of foreign agricultural products and the risks of foreign exchange crises. 
Besides economic subordination, there are concerns about social and cultural dependencies. That is, the mass influx of foreign medium-managements based on large-scale capital can undermine the uniqueness of the nation's specialty and multinational companies, and result in the dependency on overwhelming culture and society. Whenever we see a global organization like the WTO meeting, we see that there are always a huge demonstration of the globalization of the world (the government – the farmer, the government – the labor), conflicts of globalization, and the confrontation of globalization in our society. However, it is important that it is certain that globalization is the general trend and the fact that it is an opportunity for the nation to become one of the world's most populous nations, and it can be an opportunity for the nation to become one of the nations that depend on international trade.

3. Discussion

The debate between them has not yet been finalised. There is still a lot of controversy over the merits and demerits of globalization. There is also a view that a country with a culturally, economically and politically dominated rich country can overwhelm developing countries through globalization and even colonization. Let's discuss the topic of debate.

W3. What is globalization? 2013051495 KIM TAE YOON

What is globalization?

Journalism and Masscommunication


        It is hard to define globalization, because it is very broad concept. There are many standpoints. Depend on the view, it can be interpreted in a many way. This article is trying to introduce many standpoints of the globalization. Author devided into many parts ; The parameters of the general process, The dimensions, The form, history and so on. As I understood, in 1990, global movements were lead by economic sense. Development of a global consciousness is being produced unfairly, because use of the internet matters in developing country.
          Connectivity and consciousness is the most important part in globalization. However, there is parameters. As article mentioned about tragedy of 9/11, Muslim terrorism brought up a conversation topic about globalization.
          There are three dimensions of globalization, which is economy, politic, and culture. In the form of globalization, Immanuel Wallerstein made a point that world could have become singular system. So, it is getting harder to find difference between ‘local’ and ‘global.’  
          To sum up, globalization is some kind of process of interaction between connectivity and global consciousness. . When we are talking about globalization, it is hard to get rid of cultural issues. In that view, analyzing and critic globalization is inappropriate.

Interesting point

          I was interested in anti-globalization. According to the article, western culture dominate over all the others in 1990s. When I was reading this part, I thought it is kind of very similar situation in 2017. Although, the number of internet use dramatically increased, anti-globalization is happening. US is trying to act as a nationalism and I believe it is encouraging anti-globalization. Recently, Us made a statement regarding re-negotiating of FTA and it is also interpretated as a similar context of anti-globalization

discussion point

         I would like to discuss about conflict of globalization. Many ideas, opinion, information, contents containing culture is spreading only through the internet. I believe internet also can easily make bias, and internet doesn’t stand for truth reality. If we imagine this kind of situation, and I am certain that it is going to be discussable topic.

Extra Posting 2 / Jae woong KIM

Q1. How could we measure cultural globalization?     Each country has its own culture and the degree to which the world's peop...